The Ohio Chapter 6 Club is an active group with over 375 members. Activities during the year include a winter convention and recognition banquet, state show, an exhibit at the Farm Science Review, a plow day and a spring meeting typically held in conjunction with an outside event. Members also have the opportunity to attend national events.
Ohio Chapter 6 has hosted national events such as the National Auction in 2017, and the Annual Red Power Round-up in 2006, 2013 and 2022. Ohio Chapter 6 members receive a quarterly newsletter called The Buckeye Binder. The best benefit is the fun, food and fellowship with fellow collectors.
The National IH Collectors Club was organized July, 1990. Currently, there are over 7000 members, from 49 states and several countries. There are 36 active chapters sanctioned to promote local involvement, with state chapters continually being chartered. For more information about the National IH Collectors Club visit the website.
The purpose of the club is to establish the International Harvester Collectors as an identity to which collectors of IH products can relate; promote IH collecting, restoration and show displays, through communication among members; help preserve, research and complete the history of the IH company and aid shows who feature IH with a file of member's show pieces. Also, to hold a large annual show (Red Power Round-Up) featuring IH at different host chapter locations around the United States. .
Membership in IHC OH Chapter 6 includes 4 issues of Harvester Highlights and 4 of the Buckeye Binder. Dues are $35 per year ($20 National and $15 State), paid by June each year.
Anyone interested in joining can complete a Membership Application and send it along with payment of $35 dues to:
Mary Ruppert
15054 SR 65
Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895
Phone 419-230-4161
International Harvester Collectors Ohio Chapter 6
Copyright © 2024 International Harvester Collectors Ohio Chapter 6
All Rights Reserved.
Updated 11.09.24